Thursday, May 26, 2011

Armchair BEA - Nurturing Blogger Relationships

Like my podcast co-host, Allison of Reading Everywhere, I'm pretty new at this blogging thing. It all started because of my reading addiction and now has become a major part of my day to day activities. I love reading and reviewing books. I'd love to hear how other bloggers got started. I know some of you talked about it in your bios, but I'd love to hear more.

So.. I'd like to spark a discussion on here.
- What is your favorite part of blogging? Are you an ARC addict like me? (I swear, I chant "arc arc arc" on my way to the mailbox everyday and I get excited when I hear the UPS truck! I'm a dork.)
- Do you blog about any genre in particular and why? (For me, I'm addicted to reading YA so that's why I blog about it. It has nothing to do with the YA hype.)
- What do you do to spread the word about your blog? I've tried posting comments on other's blogs when I get time, I do a lot of marketing with Twitter & Google, but I would love to hear how others increase their traffic.
- How do you feel about giveaways? It's something I've been thinking about doing once a month, but I don't know. For now, I'm going to leave that to our podcast.
- Do you work with your local bookstores to promote the books you review?
- Have you ever gotten a negative reaction from an author or publisher?

I cannot wait to see what you guys have to say. I have so much love and respect for my fellow bloggers. :D Let's chat!


  1. It was the YA bloggers and librarians that got me interested in book blogging. However, I realize it is much easier for me to review the genres I tend to love (knitting, gardening, homesteading, mystery & fantasy), although there is a LOT of crossover. I am going to be part of my first virtual tour for an author along with a giveaway in June, which I am so excited for! I would like to do giveaways once a month myself.

  2. That's really cool that you write about knitting! I miss knitting. I started knitting when I was pregnant and got totally hooked. Now with the toddler, I don't get much of a chance. I have so many WIPs on the needles. :)


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