Submissions and Contests

I am always looking for new books to read and review. Please feel free to email me at Books should be traditionally published for the young adult market. Titles should eventually be readily available to my readers in bookstores nationwide. While I do enjoy reading self-published books, I just do not have the time right now with my current book queue. Sorry! If you want me to review your children's book, I need a finished copy. I'm testing these on a smart 2 year old, so please be age appropriate.

All ARCs provided to me are passed along to my Authors are ROCKSTARS! co-host Allison for her blog and her library. I consider all the books I read for my "Pick of the Month" on the Authors are ROCKSTARS! podcast.

Bimonthly Giveaway
I will be doing a bi-monthly giveaway in 2012. It will be held in February, April, June, August, October and then finish with my blogiversary giveaway in December!

Surprise giveaways - From time to time, I do Twitter or surprise giveaways. These can happen at random... like when I go to a book signing, I may just pick up a book or some swag and get it signed. Keep an eye on the blog for these.

Blogiversary Giveaway - This happens in the month of December. I collect signed books and swag throughout the year and give it away on December 31st to celebrate another year of blogging here at Never Gonna Grow Up! Reviews.

The rules are generally the same for all contests. All of my giveaways are open internationally, pending that international winners contribute the difference in shipping costs.

You can earn entry points by:
- Just signing up
- Liking my blog's Facebook page or following me on Twitter
- Liking Authors are ROCKSTARS! Facebook page or following us on Twitter
- Tweeting about the giveaway and tagging @nggu_reviews

For all giveaways, I use to choose a winner for me randomly. So good luck contestants! :D
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