1. Wow, being a voice actor is a really awesome job. How do I become one?
Thank you, I agree. It is a pretty sweet job. I get paid to play pretend. I really recommend people seriously interested in doing voice over to visit my friend Bob Bergen's website.  He really tells how it is. It took a lot of time to get where I am today. I went to college for theatre, worked in radio for awhile, then moved to Los Angeles. Out here I studied with the best coaches I could find, including Bob and my mentor Richard Horvitz. In the meantime, I was constantly reading things aloud, playing pretend, and auditioning my butt off to work my way up to where I am now. You have to really want to do it. Being an actor is choosing a life full of rejection. You have to be willing to invest time and money into your career in order to be your very best.

2. What is your favorite bookstore?
Why Vroman's? Well they're the largest indie bookstore in Southern California. They do so much community outreach, book signings, etc. I could get lost in this store. It's so much fun. They also loan us space to conduct author interviews for the Authors are ROCKSTARS! podcast. Aren't they the greatest?

3. Why do you have links to Amazon on your blog posts?
Well, I want to make a little money. I don't use these proceeds personally, but I use them to help fund my giveaways (which I do quite frequently). It's a nice way for me to monetize my blog without clogging it down with unwanted ads. I prefer to get books at my local indie bookstores like A Whale of a Tale or Vroman's... or at least my local B&N. However, I know that's not possible for everyone. Amazon's affiliates program is easy to use and provides me the ability to add extra money to my giveaway fund.

4. How do you get ARCs? Can I be a blogger too?
Of course you can be a blogger! I recommend checking out The Story Siren's "Building a Better Blog". I just found it recently and it helped me redesign my blog to make it more streamlined and easy to use. She also has publisher specific tips on obtaining ARCs.

5. I'm an author and I'd love have you review my book.
That's so sweet of you. I do take accept unsolicited ARCs from time to time. You can read my submissions policy page for more details. 

6. Why didn't I win your contest? Do you just pick your friends?
No siree. I use Google Docs which assigns you "raffle ticket numbers". I then use random.org to choose which number is the winner.  You can read more about my contests and rules on the contests page

Got a question that I missed? Please feel free to e-mail me or tweet me and I'd be happy to answer it. Thanks for taking the time to read my FAQ.
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