Tuesday, April 12, 2011

CLICK, CLACK, MOO - Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin, illustrated by Betsy Lewin

E’s Pick of this Week comes from author Doreen Cronin and illustrator Betsy Lewin.. it’s... dun dun dun... “CLICK, CLACK, MOO - Cows That Type”, a Caldecott Honor Book. This book is beyond adorable. It’s a story of Farmer Brown and his talented cows who have found a typewriter in the barn. They put their new typing skills to work to make demands of Farmer Brown. Farmer Brown is not too happy about this and they go back & forth until a compromise can be reached through their mediator, Duck. Unfortunately for Farmer Brown, Duck has his own motives for wanting to help.

E loves this book. The illustrations are fantastic, full of bright colors and a different style than his other books. He asks for this book by name (that being “Moo!”). We have gone on now to buy him a few other books in the series since he loves this installment so much. The others aren’t quite as good, but he loves them all. It’s a great way to introduce farm animals and the idea of compromise to your little one.

“CLICK, CLACK, MOO - Cows that Type” is published by Little Simon (Simon & Schuster) and is available in a variety of formats. (We have the board book version, purchased at our awesome local bookstore, A Whale of a Tale!)


  1. E made a very good choice! This is a very fun book!!!

  2. AND...I stopped by again to let you know that I awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award! Congrats! To know what you need to do next follow this link. http://bookskidslike.blogspot.com/2011/04/versatile-blogger-award.html

  3. Such a cute looking book; I shall have to read it, now!
    I found your blog through Books Kids Like, and I'm looking forward to reading more of your reviews.


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