Saturday, February 4, 2012

In My Mailbox - Saturday February 4th

Photo from

Doing my IMM a day early so I don't forget. Tomorrow is a busy day! My husband obliged me again this week with my silly photo antics. In fact, he actually came up with some of the ideas. Go awesome hubby! So here you go... this is what arrived in my mailbox this week.

Note: Please excuse my icky hair. I'm growing it out.

I can't hear you. I'm too busy listening to these books.
Are they still there? ;)

Mwahahaha. Going to mad scientist school has finally paid off. I will PLANT "Dreamless" by Josephine Angelini and it will grow to become BOOK 3. I AM A GENIUS. (Don't worry, the book didn't get a bit of dirt on it. We're tricksy like that.)

Books Received this week:
- Dreamless by Josephine Angelini (read my review of "Starcrossed")
-Harbinger by Sara Wilson Etienne
- Chained by Lynne Kelley

That's it from me this week. Be sure to visit my review of "Midnight in Austenland" and tell me who your favorite Austen gentleman (or heroine!) you prefer. I'll choose one lucky lady or gent at random to get their own copy of the book. :)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme created by The Story Siren. Thanks Kristi! I don't participate weekly, but I sure have fun whenever I get the chance.


  1. Looks like you got some awesome books this week! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Come check out my IMM!

  2. Very nice. You got two books that I want, Harbringer and Born Wicked. Great haul. Come check out mine as well.


  3. lol funny/ u crack me up /i'm bizy listening lol
    njoy all


  4. Ooh, I've been curious about Harbinger! Plus, Born Wicked has been getting some good reviews. Enjoy all your books, and hope the growing goes well for Dreamless! :D

    Here's my IMM :)

  5. You pics are so funny! I wish we could plant the books and get a sequel!! But I've got a brown thumb, so I might end up just getting the middle three chapters...

    I want to read Born Wicked. I just love the cover so much!

    Steph @ Steph's Stacks My IMM

  6. Born Wicked sounds really interesting, I hope you enjoy all the awesome books you got this week! :D And I have to agree with some of the other people here, it seems like you have a ton of fun doing your IMM posts. :P

    Here is mine: IMM (13)


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