Sunday, November 27, 2011

In My Mailbox - November 27th!

Hi folks! I haven't done this in awhile, but I just had to share because I am SO excited. Seriously, I was so excited that getting my new car elicited less of a happy dance. (Yes, I happy dance. My husband tells me that my dances remind him of Tina Fey's character Liz Lemon on 30 Rock. I take that as a compliment because she is AWESOME. Hehe!)

It's been a quiet few weeks for me as I recover from everything that is going on. I haven't been reading as much as usual (only one book a week.. GASP!), but I'm getting back into the swing of things now.

Anyways... moving on to IMM and me making all of you jealous! ;)

I KNOW RIGHT!?!?! You should have seen my Liz Lemon-esque happy dance when this arrived. I have already dived in, but am trying to savor it which is SO HARD. OMG I WANT TO KNOOOOOW. I am totally a Shay gal, but man... that Ren is getting more and more appealing. Who do you guys like? :) Share your thoughts!

Also - new visitors, be sure to check out my anniversary giveaway prize announcement from earlier this week.

Until next time... ;)


  1. Ooh! I have to read Nightshade soon! Apparently it's fabulous! Right!?

    Xpresso Reads

  2. I hope you enjoy Bloodrose i haven't read any of the other books in the series yet but i'm going to have to soon! Come check out my IMM!

  3. Glad to hear your feeling better. It looks like a great book. Happy Reading!


  4. Only seen a few people get this book so far. :D I still need to read the first two books in the series. :P

    Here is my In My Mailbox: IMM (7)

    And feel free to enter my Holiday Giveaway: Holiday Giveaway


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