Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bye bye blogging! Hellooooo podcasting.

Hey my awesome readers. Well, I bring news. "Never Gonna Grow Up!" Reviews is going into retirement. I absolutely love sharing my love of books with all of you and am going to continue to do so via the Authors are ROCKSTARS! podcast. The podcast has just gotten so busy that I simply cannot keep up anymore with writing reviews. Plus, to be honest, interviewing authors and producing the podcast is so much more fun for me. (Who would have thought that a VOICE actor would prefer doing a podcast? I know, big ol' shocker there.)

I'm sad to say goodbye to this blog. It helped introduce me to a whole world I wouldn't have known otherwise (the book blogging community). Luckily, I'm only relocating, not moving out of the neighborhood. So I'll still see you at the neighborhood block party, right? Be sure to go follow over there, subscribe on iTunes and stay in touch, ok guys? I'll also still be doing "short & sweet" reviews over at Goodreads.com.

Also, just so you know... we're giving away 14 signed books right now for our anniversary giveaway. Deadline to enter is 5/11 so you better hurry on over.


  1. I will sincerely miss your blog. But I'm so glad we're podcasting!

  2. Awww I will miss this blog! But oh, how I love Authors are Rockstars! Glad you have found your calling, can I cannot wait for more amazing author interviews! :)

  3. Um, well, nuts. I'm a horrible listener and a great reader. I'll really miss this blog, and your recommendations. Catch you elsewhere. :)


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