Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

Okay. So let me give you a warning - this book is addictive. It’s another one of those “cotton candy” books. It is sweet, fluffy and you want to devour it. Or at least, that’s the way it was for me! I sat down one night to go to bed and read a little...the next thing I knew, it was 1AM and I was done. I won’t go and wax poetic... saying this was the most amazing thing since sliced bread, but it was enjoyable. It’s interesting, creative, and well written.

Here is the summary, taken from, because I’m feeling lazy today.
“Every girl who has taken the test has died. Now it's Kate's turn.
It's always been just Kate and her mom--and now her mother is dying. Her last wish? To move back to her childhood home. So Kate's going to start at a new school with no friends, no other family and the fear her mother won't live past the fall.

Then she meets Henry. Dark. Tortured. And mesmerizing. He claims to be Hades, god of the Underworld--and if she accepts his bargain, he'll keep her mother alive while Kate tries to pass seven tests.

Kate is sure he's crazy--until she sees him bring a girl back from the dead. Now saving her mother seems crazily possible. If she succeeds, she'll become Henry's future bride, and a goddess.”

Let’s talk a little more in detail about it now, shall we?

Party like it’s 500 BC:
  • Kate - she’s smart, no nonsense, but definitely a teenage girl. She cares deeply for others and it’s this characteristic that gets her into this situation to begin with. She’s a strong female character without venturing into “kick ass” land.
  • Kate’s relationship with her mother - for someone who has lost their mom to cancer, this may be a bit hard to stomach. I lost my mom in October 2009 unexpectedly to cancer so... there were moments in this book that had me bawling my eyes out. I really connected with Kate and her intense love and need to care for her mother.
  • The initial setting - Okay. This really wasn’t important to the story, but UPPER PENINSULA OF MICHIGAN - YEAH BABY. I spent four wonderful years of my life going to school in dah U.P. so it warmed my heart to see it in this story.
  • Greek influences - Please oh PLEASE do not come into this expecting some sort of amazing Greek retelling. If you are a mythology-obsessed person, STAY AWAY. From browsing through the reviews on, Greekaholics loathe Ms. Carter’s very contemporary, very CREATIVE use of Greek myth. This isn’t a retelling. This is a story influenced by mythology. Key word: INFLUENCED! I never understood people getting so uppity about things not being precisely like they have always been. It’s like people who hate books turned into movies because they aren’t the books. I loved the Greek influences. I thought they were a lot of fun!
  • Paranormal romance for those who prefer contemporary - I don’t like contemporary YA much. It’s not my thing. However, I still enjoyed this story. It is definitely a paranormal/otherworldly story, but it will appeal to teens who don’t usually venture too far into this genre.
  • Satisfying ending, but still anxious to read the sequel - THANK YOU Ms. Carter. You wrapped up the story so well that I didn’t end up angry afterwards. Lately, everything is a trilogy and many leave you mid-story waiting for more. I know I know. It’s a great marketing ploy, but it is SO aggravating as a reader and reviewer. I feel bad for my readers that they too are going to get hooked and then have to wait for their next fix. It sucks. So, thank you Ms. Carter for keeping me wanting more, but not making me think about entering YA-rehab as a way to deal with my addiction. ;o)
  • The character development is the one aspect that I think could have been improved. We didn’t really get to know Henry and that bothered me. He’s a vulnerable, romantic and troubled god. Come on, who doesn’t want to get to know him, right? Still, the book was short and so I forgave this.
So.. to all the haters, take a chill pill. Aimee Carter’s “The Goddess Test” is a fun, Greek inspired romp with decent writing. Despite dealing with some darker issues (um, he’s HADES, Lord of the Dead!), it’s a light paranormal story - fluffy, fun and sweet. It would be a great pick to add to your YA bookshelf for some light reading. I’m looking forward to reading the sequel.

I received a digital ARC of "The Goddess Test" from Harlequin via for review. It is scheduled to be released in April of this year.

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