This is a professionally produced audio drama which is available almost entirely for free online. On occassion, they release special episodes that you pay for such as the two that I am in - "The Rogue Plague" and "The Ward". I play a random British farm woman in "The Rogue Plague" and Lisette... the ward in "The Ward". I was blown away when I listened to the episodes recently and I'm not just saying that due to my dazzling performance. (Mwahaha...I am totally kidding. Accents are actually something that frighten me and I use them for both of my characters.) Seriously though, they're really good and the producer is incredibly dedicated to only producing the best content. It's original, interesting, and high quality content. I highly recommend checking it out.
You can download the episodes via LeviathanChronicles.com. You can even add "Leviathan Chronicles" on to your Goodreads.com shelves. Please go listen and let me know what you think. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you. This has been another episode of Michelle's Shameless Self Promotion. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. ;oP
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