I am really into gardening, despite my many failed attempts since moving to California almost seven years ago. (I miss rain! I am terrible about watering.) So, when we moved into a place with a patio, I got straight to work. Last year, we grew (or attempted to grow) blueberries, peas, chard, lettuce, herbs, carrots, and tomatoes. The tomatoes and blueberries were the only success, but it was a great learning process. The best part was seeing E out playing in the garden. He is a really great helper! So it's no wonder that he loves
this little board book (made from 98% recycled materials) about gardening. He's a pro!

This book is a great way to introduce your kids to new fruits and vegetables and where they come fun. It's short, fun and a great book to start a discussion about food and the importance of eating fruits & veggies.
"In the Garden" is published by IKids and is available in earth-friendly board book form.
We have this book--I love it, too!