Charlotte tries as hard as she can to lead an ordinary life, but fate has other ideas. She keeps getting these impulses to help strangers. She’ll be minding her own business, spending time with her sexy motorcycle ridin’ boyfriend and wham! She’s hit with an overwhelming urge to help someone specific who needs her help. They could be across town or in the building nearby. The need guides her to wherever she is needed. She has kept this urge a secret from her loved ones (her best friend just thinks she’s psychic), but it’s starting to consume her life and now her body. She finds out that she is part of a bigger plan and that her existence on earth is limited. However, when an eerie woman offers her an opportunity to stay with the boy and family she loves, will she choose to stay with the people she loves even if she may turn into a monster? Will she embrace her destiny and be the light the world needs?
This book is paranormal light. Despite being about angels and good vs. evil, it really has a contemporary feel to it. In fact, Suzanne Young talked about that a little bit in our Authors are ROCKSTARS! interview. She wrote it first as a contemporary, then laced in the paranormal elements. I think it would be a great book to recommend to people who aren’t really into paranormal romance, but are interested in trying it out. Ms. Young does a great job avoiding any major religious affiliation with the angels, so for those that are religiously squeamish, do not avoid this book based on that fear. The relationship between Harlin and Charlotte is so sweet as is her friendship with Sarah. You really connect with Charlotte and feel her pain at helping out so many strangers while not being able to aid those dearest to her.
This is truly the first published angel book I have read that I’ve enjoyed. Have a tissue box ready though folks. Ms. Young really makes you care for these characters and with the decision Charlotte has to make, a happy ending is just not in the cards for Charlotte.
“A Need So Beautiful” was published by Balzer + Bray (HarperCollins) in June of this year. I purchased this book. Be sure to go listen to the podcast with Suzanne Young, Cindy Pon, Nova Ren Suma and Holly Goldberg Sloan over at AuthorsareROCKSTARS.com.
Suzanne is so awesome, it's no wonder her book is amazing too, huh? Loved this review!