This book is awesome for those of us who are Team Puck. What can I say? I love Ash, but hilarious and adorable best friend type? YES PLEASE! This little novella is a quick read and a lot of fun. Puck is just the best. He’s so charming and silly, but still has depth. His feelings for Meghan are so sweet. Why can’t she just end up with both of them? Or wait.. maybe I can just keep Puck and she can have Ash. I am likin’ this idea. Oh yes.
Summer’s Crossing is a fun little adventure that Puck and Ash have to go on before they can head off for their main task, which is to reunite with their beloved Meghan. Honestly, that’s all I’m going to say because I reallyreally don’t want to spoil the other books for you if you haven’t read them yet. If you haven’t read them yet, GO DO SO. NOW.
The Iron Fey series (“The Iron King”, “The Iron Daughter”, “The Iron Queen” and “The Iron Knight” as well as the novellas “Winter’s Crossing” and “Summer’s Crossing”) are published by Harlequin. I purchased “Summer’s Crossing” because I couldn’t wait for more Puck and Ash. It is available in digital format at online retailers. The last book in the series (“The Iron Knight”) is scheduled to be released in October of this year. Read my review of The Iron Queen (book 3).
I'm so looking forward to picking up this series. :)