E’s Pick of the Week is “Richard Scarry’s CARS and TRUCKS from A to Z”. It’s a little book, but what it lacks in size, it makes up in car fortitude (whatever that means). We picked up this little board book just last Friday on our weekly walk to a local bookstore. E has been crazy lately for the alphabet. He is obsessed with identifying letters and trying to write them! So, I perused the Alphabet section of the toddler books to see what I can find. This book was perfect. It’s easily portable (perfect for stroller reading!), features cars and trucks (another one of E’s obsessions), and has both the capital & small letters on every page. E is in love. I may actually have to make a trip to the store again today and get a few more copies because I have a feeling this one is going to be loved so much that it will fall apart. (The true test of being a good toddler board book.. if it is truly loved, you will need to purchase more than one copy.) The illustrations are adorable (love Richard Scarry) and the different kind of cars he has invented are a lot of fun.
If your little one loves cars or the alphabet, this is a great little educational book to add to your collection.
“Richard Scarry’s CARS and TRUCKS From A to Z” is available in “Chunky Shape” board book form from Random House. You can find it at your local bookstore or online.
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