"Legacy" is an epic fantasy story filled with intrigue and romance. Almost seventeen years ago, the kingdoms of Hytanica and Cokyri were at war. It was brutal. The Cokyrians are fierce fighters and Hytanica was holding on by a thread. Then, the war stopped, but not until the Cokyrians had stolen forty-nine infant boys and returned the bodies of all, but one, to the doorsteps of Hytanica. Then, just like that, the war was oven. The Cokyrians withdrew and an uneasy peace settled on Hytanica. Princess Alera was raised during this time of peace, but her life was anything but peaceful. She was the crown princess and in the patriarchal society of Hytanica, and was forced to be married so that her husband could rule. She was surrounded by suitors who saw her as a tool for their ambition and an impatient father who was anxious to see his daughter married so he could retire. Then, Alera met Narian, a young man who showed her respect. He actually cared about her opinions and listened to her like no other man ever had. Narian’s arrival is shrouded in darkness and mystery, though. As his past is revealed, Alera must face a choice between her duty to her people and the desires of her heart.
If you are a fantasy fan, you’ll love this book. What can I say? Ms. Kluver had me at the word “princess”. I’m a sucker for anything with love and princesses. Throw in some action, maybe a love triangle and a strong female lead.. um yeah, I’m set! “Legacy” has all of this. There is a large cast involved and Ms. Kluver is able to give them all an individual voice. The world was lovely and easy to imagine based on the book’s descriptions. I fell in love and wanted to live there, well, except for the whole patriarchal thing. I don’t think I’d dig that. The only negative thing I can say is that sometimes it felt like Ms. Kluver was pushing too hard to fit the stereotypical fantasy style writing. It just felt a little forced, but nothing terribly distracting. The plot moves fast, the characters are likable, and there is plenty of mystery and fantasy-filled fun. Ms. Kluver kept me guessing at every turn and I loved every moment of the ride.
I’m really interested to see where this story goes. There are so many characters I care about. I cannot wait to read book two. Please release it soon, Harlequin! Fantasy fans, you’ll love this one.
I received a digital ARC of “Legacy” from the publisher via Netgalley.com. “Legacy” is published by Harlequin Teen and will be released on June 28th. Get your copy today!